Take me home country roads...
Ok, all of the involved parties have officially been informed, so I can tell YOU ALL about it now...We have decided when my husband gets out of the Marine Corps in November that we will be moving back to Illinois! Yayyyyy! We're looking at buying a house in a town not too far away from my parents. It's gorgeous! We have our hearts set on this house, so wish us luck. Buying from out of state is rather difficult! Nevermind the fact that neither of us have jobs there...those are just minor little details. We'll work it all out. Wish us luck on that, too!
In other news, Darcy turned 6 today, and Perrin turned 8 on the 7th. They're getting so big! Darcy and Tai have gone out for sushi - hopefully they'll be home soon, since it's now after Darcy's bedtime!
And guess what my children found today? A baby flying squirrel! It was sooooo cute. It was about 5 1/2 weeks old - fully furry and her eyes were open. We took her to a lady who specializes in raising squirrel babies. We got a couple of pictures -

So that is what's going on around here. :)