Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Update...or lack thereof...

For those of you who were interested in the results of my doctor's visit about my numb hands - I'm still waiting, too. Thought I'd keep you all as informed as I am. LOL

I've sold a few more items from my store. I'm excited. I always seem to have several items being watched, but nobody buys 'em. LOL Sometimes I love that feature, and sometimes I hate it! All in all, I'm trying to keep my spirits up as far as the jewelry biz goes. I've got more supplies coming that will allow me to be a bit more creative with it. That will be fun. I keep adding new stuff every day or every couple of days - I really enjoy making the stuff. I also like having something to do besides clean the house while the kids are gone!

Oh, if there is anything in particular you'd like to have that you can't seem to find...check with me. I might be able to make it! I'll certainly give it a shot, anyway.

That's about all that's going on at the moment.